Les Papillons de Saint-Jacques


Les Papidjacs


The Papidjac

■ Specialized vehicles for PRM

There are two types of model available on the market:

the « cars »

the « transporters ».

    The « cars »

Vehicles that call for the PRM’s capacity and willingness to move away from their wheelchair.

Hiking-sport models:

Wheelchairs specialized in sporting hiking, typically on tracks designed for this purpose (see for instance ftt.free.fr). The PRM needs help for moving up, but becomes fully independent for going down.

3-wheel sample :



The Obiou

The Cougar

4-wheel sample :


The Dahu

The Cobra

The Boma

All-purpose models

Wheelchairs specialized for moving in very difficult ways with potentially various obstacles.

1-wheel sample


The standard Joëlette

The Joëlette with a crank gear

The Joëlette with a donkey

4-wheel sample :


The Landeez Beach Wheelchair

The Tremor Wheelchair

The Tank Chair

    The « transporters »

The transporters are vehicles that allow the PRM to stay in their day-to-day wheelchair.

Models with a pulling/pushing kit

1-additional wheel sample :


The Speedy Bike

The Speedy Elektra

The Rollfiets

Embarking models

3 or 4-wheel sample :


The Pendel

The Quovis


■ The Papidjac


The all-purpose car models can use any type of way. So, the famous Joëlette, invented by the French Joël Claudel, is the mostly used vehicle on the LH (Long Hikes) of our regions and even beyond (in April 2002 a Belgian team has reached the Kala Pathar summit with a Joëlette).

The transporters are however all limited to road suitable for motor vehicles.

As a consequence, the PRM not willing or not able to move from their wheelchair to a car model, can just not access the LH!

In order to fix this problem, Les Papidjacs have undertaken the conception and realization of an all-purpose transporter model which will be a world novelty and so will ensure the uniqueness of the company.

Ways suitable for motor vehicles Ways of any type
“Car” model Several vehicles available Several vehicles available N° 1 : the Joëlette
<< Transporter >> model Several vehicles available ??? The Papidjac!!

Being a 4-wheel vehicle transporting a wheelchair, the Papidjac will call for ways with a minimum of 1.2 m in width and so won’t be as flexible as the Joëlette able to go through ways not broader than a man’s width. However, the Papidjac will solve two major drawbacks of the Joëlette:

a 6 to 8-carrier team replaced by a single accompanying person thanks to a silent and nature-friendly electric motor.

a shaky trim replaced by a steady horizontal trim thanks to electronically controlled jacks to compensate for the pitching and the rolling due to the very nature of the LR (inclinations, slopes, ruts…)

Joëlette and Papidjac do not compete but are complementary with their own qualities and limitations.